Aisearch intelligent search engine is a "search engine providing knowledge". It pioneers intelligent semantic analysis, knowledge map Association, common people body matching, intelligent guidance, user-defined box calculation and other features of search functions. It adopts semantic understanding technology and machine learning technology to provide users with intelligent search, document search, multimedia search and other services, so as to realize the maximum value of knowledge and enable users to It has its own "Baidu".

product advantage

Function description

Retrieval management

It can set thesaurus, algorithm, summary and highlight, search result statistics, and support the expansion of metadata and the management of system tasks.

Page management

Aimi orange has broken the traditional way of building a website. By analyzing the user's search behavior, it displays some information in a column. The portal information will be updated automatically with the update of the website and user's search hotspot, avoiding the trouble of later manual maintenance.

Lexicon management

Thesaurus management is used to manage the search thesaurus, including functional vocabulary discovery, hot word management, Pinyin word management, common body word management and sensitive word management.

Collection management

A variety of collection methods are shared, basic information resources are more comprehensive and rich, omni-channel data and multimedia resources collection, web search, microblog search, wechat search, that's nothing!

Application scenario

Classic case

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