AiSite intelligent content management platform

Aisite intelligent content management platform is an intelligent, component-based, personalized, process based and standardized professional portal content management platform developed by China Science and technology union. The system has been widely used in more than 4000 government, financial, enterprise and air travel customers. Through this system platform, we can quickly build intensive website group, portal website, intranet portal, information management platform, mobile portal, digital media, online exhibition hall and knowledge management platform. It is the key software product of national torch plan and the first choice product of content management.

Product advantage

Function description

Application scenario

Websites of government, finance and enterprises

Aisite content management platform supports the rapid creation of government station group portal network, financial industry portal network, enterprise and branch organization station group, and the unified management and release of resources.

Intranet intelligent office portal

Establish leading portal and personal portal, use unified portal platform for leading desktop and background, support personalized settings for personal portal, and improve work efficiency

Mobile portal

Aisite's mature solution supports the visual construction of mobile stations and access to wechat and app content management.

Online exhibition hall product display

Aisite adopts international standard portlet technology and platform application integration function based on WebOS to quickly create display pages.

Knowledge, information management and release

Aisite intelligent content management, visual intelligent editing and distribution editor, flexible form engine and workflow control, support business knowledge release and management.

Classic case

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