Intelligent robot marketing solution

Outline of the plan

In recent years, with the rapid development of big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other new technologies, the deep integration of these new technologies and air travel services has greatly promoted the transformation and upgrading of China's air travel industry, helped the air travel industry better serve passengers, and effectively promoted the overall development of the air travel industry. Beijing zhongkehuilian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "zhongkehuilian" for short) combines the current situation of the informatization development of the air travel industry and the requirements of marketing, deeply analyzes the various needs of passengers, and provides a complete set of intelligent robot marketing solutions. Through big data analysis, air travel companies can provide more sophisticated and perfect marketing services for passengers, provide targeted marketing and precision marketing, comprehensively solve the problems existing in the marketing process of the current air travel industry, and realize intelligent precision marketing.

Functional framework

The overall logic architecture of the system is the core of the system. China Union of science and technology has fully studied the marketing scenarios of the airline industry, considering the factors such as the robustness, scalability, interoperability, stability, portability and security of the architecture, and designed the following logic architecture of the marketing solution for the intelligent robot of the airline industry.


Logical framework of marketing solution for intelligent robot of China Science and technology union

The intelligent robot marketing solution of CCH United Airlines relies on many years of experience of CCH United Airlines and the big data platform of CCH United Airlines to collect and analyze passenger behavior data, obtain accurate passenger portraits, and then provide accurate personalized marketing for passengers.

Program advantage

1.Accurate passenger portrait

Based on the business data of air travel industry and the historical data of personal air travel, the big data analysis platform of Huilan air travel analyzes the preferences and habits of users, and then generates accurate user portraits to lay the foundation for providing intelligent personalized services for passengers.

2.Precision marketing, personalized service

The big data analysis platform of Huilan air travel provides precise marketing services with user data as the core, and air travel enterprises can provide services or personalized recommendations for surrounding businesses, tourism routes, food attractions, etc. according to the customer's user portraits.

Product recommendation

Aibigdata big data analysis platform