Smart city solutions

Outline of the solution

The construction of Smart City Super brain center, through comprehensive and thorough perception of urban operation, collaborative management and control of urban governance, precise positioning of social services, cross departmental coordination and linkage, improve the efficiency of emergency response, and improve the level of urban intelligence.

(1)Gather the data achievements of urban intelligent application

Through the large screen display system, combined with spatial geographic information technology, using the urban operation data to display the results of comprehensive urban governance, economic and people's livelihood, public services, etc., based on the two-dimensional, three-dimensional, live image, video image and other comprehensive display of the city's appearance, highlighting the achievements of smart city construction.

(2)Effective data collection integration

Integrate big data, cloud computing, Internet, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, through real-time data collection and effective data integration, comprehensively perceive urban data, and establish a complete database of urban information resources. The main functions are information display, real-time monitoring, decision-making analysis and event management.

(3)Improve the level of scientific decision-making in management

Through the construction of Smart City Super brain center to break the data island, provide a comprehensive and dynamic urban operation dashboard for urban managers, real-time monitoring of the real-time data information of urban operation, timely understanding of urban operation status, combined with big data analysis, mining and other technologies, greatly improve the dynamic supervision ability and scientific decision-making level of management departments for urban operation.

(4)Improve urban governance and service capacity

At present, there are hundreds of daily events and emergency events that need to be handled by the government every day in the smart city. Events have many characteristics, such as multiple types, multiple sources, multiple departments and processes. The handling efficiency directly reflects the government's governance and service ability. The construction of urban super brain center will realize all-round event processing and collaborative linkage through the change of business process and technical means, and form the disposal strategy library of different levels and types of events, so that the whole process management and control of urban operation management events from automatic discovery of alarms to completion of processing by collaborative business system, and support all departments and systems to establish fast and efficient linkage The coordination mechanism can realize the command and dispatching of urban operation, give full play to the efficiency of collaborative operation, and improve the capacity of urban governance and public service.

Functional framework

Huilan provides the "brain" and "center" of the smart city, and its overall functional architecture is as follows:


The smart city solution of Huilan adopts the mode of Cloud Architecture, which is divided into infrastructure layer (IAAs), data layer, capability layer, application layer (SaaS), relevant policies and regulations, organizations, standards and specifications, information security, talent construction, fund guarantee and other support contents, providing the government with scientific governance, the "smart governance" system architecture of university management and the public with support "Intelligent life" experience of providing benefits and convenience for the people and precise service.

Solution advantage

1.Supplement and improve urban big data and enhance information perception ability

Based on the existing data of smart city data center, the smart city solution of Huilan combs data center data from the perspective of comprehensively improving city perception ability and serving urban governance super brain. According to the city big data standard, the existing data that does not meet the needs are processed, the data that needs to be accessed but has not yet been accessed is accessed, and the city big data is supplemented and improved to meet the business needs of comprehensive perception of city operation monitoring.

2.Establish information model of smart city to assist scientific planning and management

The information model system of the smart city solution of Huilan aims to realize the digital and virtual mapping of urban elements, real-time visualization of urban state, coordination and intelligence of urban management decision-making, and form the physical world and information dimension through the modeling of urban intelligent cognitive model and management assistant decision-making model, and combining with the spatial geographic information data of smart city .It is a digital twin city with virtual world coexisting and virtual reality blending.

3.Comprehensive monitoring of urban physical indicators to improve the level of display and decision-making

According to the existing characteristics and development goals of smart city, the smart city solution of Huilan is to build the city physical indicators of smart city, and form a set of visual platform with clear logical relationship, obvious city physical signs and rich visual display effect to meet the needs of comprehensive monitoring of City physical signs by using the combination of urban basic data, business data, perception data, video data and other multiple data.

Through the comprehensive visual monitoring of urban physical signs, problems in urban governance can be found in time, and the development trend of the problems can be predicted and described to provide visual data support for scientific decision-making.

4.Intelligent assistance to optimize business process and improve urban governance efficiency

the smart city solution of Huilan aims at intelligent auxiliary transformation of the existing business process of smart city, changing the original situation of multi platform input, multi platform acceptance, multi department processing and multi platform feedback. In the process of urban governance, artificial intelligence technology is added to the process of urban governance to change the complex and repetitive work nodes, establish advanced urban management model algorithm, and carry out intelligent identification and intelligence of transaction types, categories, urgency, importance and logical relations through unified channel centralized management, intelligent identification and distribution, on-demand process processing, original problem feedback, unified assessment and evaluation business processing mechanism Be able to distribute and improve the efficiency of urban governance.

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