Financial portal intensive solution

Outline of the solution

With the development of the times, the competition among the financial companies is more and more fierce, and the operation cost is also higher and higher. The traditional sales model has been greatly challenged. In order to promote the sales of financial products and open up new sales channels, tap customer resources through the Internet, speed up the occupation of the market, improve customer service ability, provide multi-dimensional support and services for traditional businesses, comprehensively improve service ability and level, and further improve the intelligent, intensive and refined level of the company's operation and management,Based on the company's many years of experience in the construction of financial portals, Huilan deeply analyzes the pain points and difficulties faced by the current financial portals and financial services.

(1) portal issues

Information island, log in repeatedly?

PC, mobile phone, wechat and other Omni channel management?

(2) platform issues

System expansion ability is poor, need to change to develop?

The performance of the system is poor. When you visit more, you will be down?

Platform security protection is poor, hackers break the attack?

Huilan provides a complete set of intensive portal solutions to comprehensively solve the problems in the current financial portal construction process.

Functional framework

The overall logic architecture of the system is the core of the system. Huilan fully studies the development requirements of financial industry informatization, and considers the robustness, scalability, interoperability, stability, portability and security of the architecture, and designs the following financial intensive portal architecture.

The solution architecture of Huilan intensive portal is based on three-tier Cloud Architecture, covering the complete ecological chain of infrastructure services, platform services and application services. The whole platform construction starts from the perspective of intensification, makes full use of the characteristics of cloud computing, big data, mobile Internet, global service and other technologies, and provides an innovative solution for the financial industry to establish a new intensive platform of "unified specification, open interconnection, elastic expansion, innovative operation, intelligent service".

The functional logic framework of financial intensive portal

Huilan provides financial portal intensive solution with the following functions

Standard Specification System: including website construction technical specification, website page display specification, information resource standard specification, website operation and maintenance specification, website performance evaluation specification, etc.

Front end function of website: the front end function of intensive financial portal website includes personal business, enterprise business, investor relationship, interactive communication, and intelligent personalized application, including intelligent search function, intelligent customer service function, intelligent recommendation, personalized homepage and other personalized functions, and unified authentication management of front and rear users.

Solution advantage

1.Information resource intensification

Huilan financial intensive portal solution manages all kinds of information resources used in the platform and realizes sharing. These information resources include: text information, picture information, video information, various types of attachments, and various exchange data. Based on the scientific classification, centralized specification, sharing and sharing of the platform wide unified information resource base. According to the principle of "warehousing first, then use", the information resources from all financial websites on the platform are managed in a unified way to achieve a unified classification, metadata, data format, call and supervision.

2.Vertical site intensification

The intensive intelligent portal platform of Huilan Aihui provides a tree structure to manage the vertical website group in a unified way, that is, sub stations can be built under the main station, and sub stations can also be built under the sub station. A single platform supports thousands of site clusters. The site has its own channel and column structure, page layout settings, user configuration, rights management, etc., supporting multiple types of data transmission and task distribution. Support the function of selecting template, copying and building station by Wizard to improve the efficiency of building station.

3.Intensive horizontal channels

The Huilan AiHui intensive intelligent portal platform provides not only the construction of PC website, but also the unified intensive construction and management of mobile websites, WeChat, micro-blog and APP, so as to realize the information interoperability between PC websites, mobile websites, WeChat public numbers, micro-blog and other channels, so as to improve the efficiency of information dissemination and provide a new experience of "convenient online service."

4.Intensive communication and interaction

Huilan AiKF intelligent customer service system aims at a series of problems existing in the current communication and interaction, such as scattered acceptance channels, inconsistent processing procedures and standards, non sharing of data resources, tedious coordination, management and supervision, etc., and provides intensive management services for communication and interaction.

5.Business application intensification

Huilan Aihui intensive intelligent portal platform has completed the seamless integration of site management, resource management, information disclosure, intelligent search, intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent interaction and other conventional applications of financial websites. And seamless docking of the aisso intelligent identity authentication system, follow-up according to the needs of customers, to achieve unified authentication and single sign on of customers' business application system and intensive platform users.

Successful case

Huilan has a high market share in the construction of financial portals and related systems. Financial customers include the people's Bank of China, China Everbright Bank, Bank of China Shanghai Branch, Bank of Nanjing, Bank of Hangzhou, Bank of Harbin, Bank of Gansu, Bank of Jilin, Bank of Zhongyuan, Bank of Hebei, Bank of Ningxia, Bank of Inner Mongolia, Bank of Tangshan, Bank of Kunlun, Bank of Jincheng, Ningbo Tongshang bank, Ningbo Donghai bank, 10 chengshang banks in Shandong Province, and Beishang bank Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Jiangxi Rural Credit Cooperatives (more than 80 city and County Rural Commercial Banks in the whole province), Guizhou rural credit cooperatives, Hubei Rural Credit Cooperatives (more than 70 city and County Rural Commercial Banks in the whole province), Shandong rural credit cooperatives, Harbin rural commercial bank, Xining Rural Commercial Bank, Dongguan Rural Commercial Bank, Tianjin Binhai rural commercial bank, Jiangyin rural commercial bank, Sheyang Rural Commercial Bank Banks at all levels, including Bank of China, Taicang rural commercial bank and China Life Insurance, China Reinsurance, Taikang Life Insurance, Hezhong life insurance, Everbright Life Insurance, Huaxia life insurance, Guotai life insurance, Tian'an life insurance, Xincheng life insurance, Qianhai life insurance, Xinda property insurance, Sino Italian property insurance, PICC health insurance, Zhongsheng insurance brokerage, Dalian Commodity Exchange and other financial customers all chose Huilan's products The construction of portal and application system provides strong technical support for the improvement of customer service ability.

Product recommendation

AiHui Intensive intelligent portal platform

Aimedia new media management system

Aiurm unified resource management system

AiSearch intelligent search engine

Aisso intelligent identity authentication

Aikf intelligent customer service system