Unified intelligent call center

Outline of the solution

Customer service system is an important information system to support the customer service department. At present, with the acceleration of social development, a large number of consulting work comes as expected, and has the characteristics of large number of visits, centralized visits, multiple recurring problems, and outstanding personalized problems. It is difficult to meet the user's demand for consulting services by using telephone manual seats alone, especially in the peak period, which leads to a large number of seat spillovers.

Huilan builds a unified intelligent call center solution of zhongkehuilian based on the above industry pain points and self-service intellectual property products. The service mode of intelligent robot + human is adopted to realize the three-tier service mode of "self-service + Intelligent + artificial". The traditional call center is replaced by intelligent call center, so as to achieve the goal of improving user experience, expanding channel service ability, relieving the work pressure of artificial service personnel and reducing the operation cost of telephone customer service system.

Functional framework

The overall logic architecture of the system is the core of the system. Huilan fully studies the development requirements of unified intelligent call center. Considering the robustness, scalability, interoperability, stability, portability and security of the architecture, the following unified intelligent call center logic architecture is designed.


Logical structure

The unified intelligent call center solution of Huilan adopts the service mode of intelligent robot + human to realize the three-tier service mode of "self-service + Intelligent + artificial". The intelligent call center replaces the traditional call center system. Through intelligent robot voice recognition, it can intelligently distinguish user needs. The online comprehensive customer service system uses intelligent robot + human cooperation to provide online consultation and answer services on the Internet. The problems that cannot be solved by the intelligent robot are intelligently transferred to the artificial phone seat. The system is expected to achieve the goal of improving user experience, expanding channel service ability, easing the work pressure of human service personnel and reducing the operation cost of telephone customer service system.

Solution advantage

1.Intelligent call global access

The unified intelligent call center solution not only provides hot line call access, but also provides access to websites, wechat, app and other channels to achieve intensive global management and service.

2. Intelligent CTI

The unified intelligent call center solution intelligently recognizes the voice information of users, and intelligently assigns it to intelligent robot seats and artificial phone seats.

3. Intelligent robot + artificial service mode

The unified intelligent call center solution adopts the dual service mode of robot and artificial, the intelligent robot solves the general problems, the artificial seat solves the personalized problems, and reduces the work pressure and operation cost of the artificial customer service system in a large range.

4.Intelligent interaction

The unified intelligent call center solution relies on the aicallcenter call center system with independent intellectual property rights to provide intelligent interaction mode and greatly improve the user experience.

Speech recognition: Based on intelligent noise reduction, echo cancellation and other technologies, intelligent recognition of the meaning expressed by user language in various environments;

Semantic understanding: Based on the semantic understanding engine of China Science and technology union, intelligent understanding of the semantics of multiple complex sentence patterns, such as similarity query, inversion, ellipsis, etc;

Intelligent rhetorical question: intelligently understand the user's multiple questions, and provide intelligent rhetorical questions according to the user's answers;

Multi round dialogue: guide the user to consult according to the user's dialogue content, intelligently ask questions that the user may want to consult, and lock the user's basic needs;

Speech synthesis: using the theory and technology of linguistics and psychology, through the design of neural network, based on emotion computing technology, output the natural speech flow containing emotion.

5.Intelligent to artificial services

The unified intelligent call center solution provides intelligent to artificial services. Intelligent robot phone seats cannot solve problems. Intelligent to artificial phone seats.

6.Intelligent learning, efficient and controllable

Unified intelligent call center solution provides intelligent recording, analysis and learning of unknown problems, and knowledge learning is efficient and controllable.

7.Full dimension data report

The unified intelligent call center solution provides full maintenance data report service, which can carry out multi maintenance data report statistical analysis and data mining for user conversation habits, dialogue data mining, user demand hot issues, etc.

8.High concurrency support

Unified intelligent call center solution provides interface optimization, clustered system deployment, high concurrency, high reliability.

Successful case

Baixin bank, Nanjing Fujitsu, Huajin online, Xuexin Technology

Product recommendation

Aicallcenter call center system