Intelligent Internet of things solutions

Outline of the solution

Internet of things is an information carrier such as Internet and traditional telecommunication network, which enables all ordinary objects that can perform independent functions to realize interconnection. The intelligent Internet of things is a huge network covering everything in the world, which is constructed by the integration of intelligent information terminal technology + computer communication and control technology + Internet technology. With the continuous development of social economy, science and technology, the continuous progress of IT technology, artificial intelligence and Internet of things technology continue to deepen people's daily work and life, building a set of mature intelligent Internet of things products, has important significance.

Huilan (hereinafter referred to as "guidelines") complies with the requirements of the times and creates an intelligent Internet of things solution.

Functional framework

The overall logical architecture of the system is the core of the system. Huilan has fully studied the requirements of the development trend of the Internet of things, and designed the following functional architecture of the intelligent Internet of things platform, considering the factors such as the robustness, scalability, interoperability, stability, portability and security of the architecture.


Logical architecture of the solution for the intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan

The AIoT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan is an IOT cloud + end integrated management platform based on independent innovation of Huilan. Based on the cloud computing platform, it realizes platform management functions such as CMP (connection management), DMP (equipment management platform), AEP (application enabling platform), BAP (business analysis platform), and supports various intelligent hardware, robots, intelligent screens, and intelligent voice The access management of box, smart home and equipment provides fault sensing, equipment positioning, human-computer interaction and intelligent customer service functions, which guarantees everything in the IOT era!

Solution advantage

1.Support fast access of multi protocol, multi network, multi platform and multi region devices

The aiot intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan supports multiple protocols, multiple networks, multiple platforms, and multi regional devices for fast access. The network includes 2G / 3G / 4G / 5G, Nb IOT, Lora, etc.; the communication protocols include mqtt, COAP, HTTP, etc.

2.Remote control management of equipment

The AIoT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan realizes remote management and maintenance of equipment, including remote debugging, remote firmware upgrade, remote maintenance, etc.

3.Real time panoramic monitoring of intelligent devices

The AIoT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan provides real-time panoramic monitoring of all equipment on the platform, including panoramic monitoring of equipment temperature, humidity, switch status, etc.

4.Real time statistics of equipment operation

The AIoT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan carries out real-time statistical analysis on the equipment monitoring situation, and visualizes the analysis results, so as to control the operation of all access equipment on the platform intuitively and comprehensively.

5.Safety management of high standard equipment

The AIoT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan provides multiple security management measures, such as one machine one secret device authentication, TLS standard data transmission channel, fine-grained permission management and detailed log management.

6.Intensive management of equipment application

The AIoT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan provides intensive management of all equipment applications of the platform, and can batch distribute applications to a certain category, group or a single device.

Successful case

Qingdao Jiaodong new airport

Product recommendation

Aiot intelligent IoT Management Platform

Aikf intelligent customer service system

Intelligent service robot

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