Development History

2012 - Current

• Huilan’s "global intelligent service platform based on multimodal machine learning" won the Fund Award of "transformation and industrialization of major cutting-edge original technological achievements" of Zhongguancun in 2018.

• Huilan's AI customer service cloud + Management + end business is distributed nationwide through government investment. The company has successively established subsidiaries: Xinnao technology, Wuhan branch, Tongling branch, and Ultimate.

• The company introduced strategic investment shareholders, and Zhongchuang Hongxing invested 10 million yuan to promote the sustainable and rapid development of the company's AI, and promote the enterprise to become an intelligent customer service unicorn


• The founding meeting of the national artificial intelligence standardization group and the expert consultation group was held in Beijing. Huilan is honored to become a member unit of the standardization group and participate in the relevant work of promoting the standardization of artificial intelligence.

• Zhongkehui investment, established joint venture with Guangzhou Industrial Development Group and other units: guangfutong company, state-owned enterprise resource advantage + private enterprise technology advantage, pilot enterprise of joint development

• Internet Weekly released the list of top 100 AI enterprises in the future in 2017, general ranking 26th and 8th in AI special field


• The intelligent poem writing robot jointly launched with the speech and language center of Tsinghua University passed the Turing test. Become a key promotion enterprise of "China brand innovation project" and a key promotion enterprise of CCTV China brand.

• Successful listing of new third board, stock code: 835529.


• Aikf love customer service intelligent robot + cloud platform was released in Zhongguancun Chuangye street, becoming the global pioneer of professional intelligent customer service. A third joint laboratory was established with the Institute of computational languages, Peking University, to usher in a new era of emotional computing. Won the title of "innovation demonstration enterprise" issued by China Association for promoting industry university research cooperation.


• Launch the first generation of micro feeding intelligent robot 1.0. Establish the second joint laboratory with Harbin University of technology to open the era of NLP in-depth R & D.


• Easysite content management system, aimi orange intelligent search engine won the title of key software product and innovative product of Torch Program of the Ministry of science and technology of the people's Republic of China.


• Zhongguancun investment of 10 million yuan was obtained to comprehensively promote the leapfrog development of China Science and technology union. Establish a joint laboratory with the speech language center of Tsinghua University to open a new era of speech and semantic frontier research.

2003 - 2011

• Set up branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Become the national government website data collection service platform designated by the Ministry of industry and information technology.


• Won the title of "ZhongGuanCun national core area demonstration enterprise" and "top 100 software enterprises".


• Won the science and technology innovation product award, science and technology innovation enterprise award, the products are included in the Central Party School e-government textbooks. In 2009 Zhongguancun Innovation Exhibition, we took the lead in launching easypaas cloud portal platform.


• The number of customers is more than 2000, undertaking the security work of national government portal during the Olympic Games to ensure zero accidents.


• Won the title of "annual innovation enterprise of China's information industry", and is the only award-winning enterprise in content management industry. Take the lead in developing a unified portal platform to realize intensive management of internal and external networks.


• Products won the honorary titles of "China's excellent software products", "China's information industry gold service enterprise", "China's information industry innovative products", "the most potential value-added software products", etc.


• Business transformation, clear positioning of 3C for 3C (content management, communication and cooperation, e-commerce) development strategy. Launch the first MVC based modular content management platform in China.

1999 – 2002

• Obtained the government fund investment of Zhongguancun High tech enterprise.


• Founded, the first manufacturer of cloud application services in China.