Public opinion management of government affairs solution

Outline of the solution

With the rapid development of Internet in China, public opinion monitoring has become a part of the work of the government. The primary significance of government public opinion monitoring is to find crisis information, respond to the negative network crisis in time and strive for response time. For emergencies, some are public opinions that have an impact on the image of the government, so as to have a good grasp of the situation, timely understand the dynamic situation, make a correct guidance for some wrong and untrue public opinions, and actively take measures to deal with them. On the other hand, through the public opinion of government affairs, we can grasp the overall public opinion situation in a macro sense and timely understand the social situation and public opinion.

Huilan is based on the understanding of the work of government public opinion, this paper summarizes the following difficulties in the work of government public opinion:

One sidedness: the network public opinion is complex, and the monitoring and analysis methods of artificial means are basically powerless for massive data;

Lag: manual public opinion search, low efficiency, data distortion, it is difficult to timely warning;

Subjectivity: the subjectivity of analysts will directly affect the accuracy and objectivity of the analysis results;

Single: multi dimensional text and statistical reports, single form, not intuitive;

Randomness: there is no systematic information storage, and historical data is stored at will, which is difficult to find in time.

In view of the above work pain points, Huilan designed and developed the government public opinion monitoring system, which provides a new government public opinion solution.

Functional framework

The overall logic architecture of the system is the core of the system. Huilan fully studies the relevant policy requirements, and considers the robustness, scalability, interoperability, stability, portability and security of the architecture. The following government public opinion management platform architecture is designed.


Logical framework of Huilan government public opinion management solution

The functions of Huilan government public opinion management solution are summarized as follows:

Distributed Internet real-time collection layer: quickly and effectively collect information from websites, news, forums, blogs, microblogs and foreign sensitive websites to provide resource accumulation for analysis.

Processing and processing of collection information: through content denoising, automatic weight sorting and metadata mining of collection information, the collected web information is sorted into regular data for mining and analysis.

Public opinion information analysis and mining: through graph mining, clustering classification, emotion analysis, statistical analysis engine, and hot spot discovery, provide technical support for the upper public opinion service.

Public opinion service layer: provide public opinion search, public opinion channel, public opinion prediction, public opinion tracking, public opinion early warning, public opinion sentiment analysis, public opinion briefing and other senior public opinion services.

Solution advantage

1. Whole network monitoring

Huilan government public opinion management platform provides a data source collection mechanism to support the collection of designated data sources concerned by Shunyi district government, including news, forum, blog, know, comment, microblog, wechat and other network wide monitoring.

2. Public opinion inspection

Huilan government public opinion management platform provides comprehensive monitoring of major domestic news, forums, microblogs and blogs, and can screen out effective information according to key words.

3. Automatic public opinion early warning

Huilan government public opinion management platform provides automatic judgment on the region, semantics, positive and negative aspects of the whole network information, and realizes the automatic warning of sensitive words.

4. Automatic generation of public opinion daily report

Huilan government public opinion management platform provides the function of automatically summarizing the important public opinion information of the day in the account, and supports the export of word documents.

5. Topic mining trend tracking

Huilan government public opinion management platform supports the reporting and tracking of public opinion events, and analyzes them according to the trend of events, the number of media reprints, ranking, etc.

6. Omni channel service

Huilan government public opinion management platform provides access to PC website, mobile website and government wechat, and users can view or track public opinion anytime and anywhere according to their needs.

Successful case

Changping District Government of Beijing Municipality, Nanshan District Government of Shenzhen Municipality, Longhua District Government of Shenzhen Municipality, Guangming district government of Shenzhen Municipality, Yi Autonomous Region Government of Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province, etc.

Product recommendation

  Jishiyu public opinion monitoring system