Intelligent travel solution

Outline of the solution

With the rapid development of China's economy, people's demand for spiritual civilization is growing day by day, and the travel expenditure has repeatedly reached a new high. The traditional group travel is gradually transiting to personalized travel. The diversification and youth of travel affect the operation mode of major travel agencies and scenic spots. In the new era of Internet of things, smart tourism has become the new favorite of scenic spot tourist services, while 5g era's When it comes, smart tourism will be supported by two wings, and smart accompanying tourism will come into being.

The intelligent accompanying tour of Huilan will bring fresh experience for tourists. Relying on the technological advantages of artificial intelligence and geographic information, the intelligent accompanying tour of China Union of science and technology will provide tourists with one-stop overall service. From the first step of tourists entering the scenic spot, the intelligent accompanying Tour will provide tourists with voice prompt service of weather and dressing index, and the scenic spot will intelligently deploy explanatory clothing according to the tourist route In addition to the services of the scenic spot, cchi intelligent accompanying tour also provides tourists with a series of intimate services in terms of accommodation, transportation and other people's livelihood convenience.

Functional framework

Considering the robustness, scalability, interoperability, stability, portability, security and other factors of the architecture, Huilan has designed the following intelligent companion logical architecture.


Intelligent travel solution of Huilan

Solution advantage

1.Intelligent explanation

With the help of intelligent accompanying robot, the intelligent accompanying robot of Huilan can explain the designated scenic spot for the tourists in the scenic spot, with the same caliber and professional level. It can greatly improve the tourism experience by taking a car to visit the scenic spot and listening to the explanation of professional robot guide at the same time.

2.Intelligent recommendation, transparent consumption

Huilan intelligent companion tour provides a transparent consumption experience in the whole process of scenic spot tour and recommendation. Tourists in the scenic spot and its surrounding tickets, catering accommodation and transportation implement the whole network price comparison mode, truly achieve open and fair consumption, so that tourists no longer suffer hidden consumption losses, and greatly improve the tourism experience.

3.Low cost of intelligent tour guide

Compared with the traditional guide agency, the cost of the system is lower, there is no promotion, no compulsory shopping link, and the cost of tourists sharing is smaller and the experience is better.

4.Personalized service

According to the weather, road conditions, tourist flow and other information of the scenic spot, the intelligent companion travel solution of Huilan can provide customized tour routes for tourists of different ages, and recommend corresponding catering information and accommodation traffic information according to the identity of tourists and combining with their eating habits, so as to meet the diversified individual needs of tourists.

5.Intensive management of guide car

 Relying on the AIOT intelligent Internet of things platform of Huilan, the intelligent accompanying tour solution of China Union of science and technology focuses on the unified access management of accompanying tour robots in tourist attractions, realizing centralized maintenance, management, monitoring and early warning.

Product recommendation

Aiot intelligent IoT Management Platform

Intelligent companion robot